ACE Early Support
Our loved ones change as they age. They walk a little slower, they need more help around the house, and they have more medical appointments. While all of these changes are natural, some may indicate greater challenges.
But how do you know when a challenge becomes “too much?” It isn’t always an easy choice on when or how to address changes with an aging loved one. And doing so can put a burden on family members. How do you know where to start?
ACE Early Support, formerly called ACE Continuum, is our geriatric care maintenance service and your starting point. Amy Cohen, OTR/L, CDP, CMC, owner and operator of ACE Senior Care Navigators and Aging Life Care Professional®, developed ACE Early Support to support clients who are noticing changes in their Senior and want the empathy and expertise of a trusted advisor, but don’t need full geriatric care management services yet.

Is ACE Early Support Right for Me?
Take a minute to think about your Senior. Do any of these statements resonate?
- They have a chronic condition that requires daily management with medications, lifestyle changes, or frequent doctor’s visits. Examples of these include congestive heart failure (CHF), diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and arthritis.
- When they walk they use a wall to help them balance (wall walking) or a couch or table (furniture walking).
- When they walk you notice an occasional stumble, even a small one.
- They’ve lost some weight but they’re not trying to.
- They wear the same clothes at least a few days in a row, when they used to wear a different outfit every day.
- They seem more forgetful and there’s a family history of dementia or Alzheimer’s.
- They use any type of durable medical equipment like a cane or walker, shower grab bars, or a shower chair.
- Family members live far away, or would otherwise be unable to devote full-time attention to supporting in a crisis.
- A spouse or partner is already managing much of their daily needs.
- They’re at least 65 years old.
Geriatric Care Consulting with ACE Early Support
ACE Early Support helps you build a game plan to stay ahead of changes in your Senior. With ACE Early Support, you get the peace of mind of knowing you have support ready to go as soon as the challenges of aging become more difficult.
Here’s how it works.
- Baseline assessment – We conduct a full assessment of your Senior’s health, safety, and daily functioning to establish a baseline and identify potential gaps in current routines and supports.
- Check – ins – We schedule monthly in-person, Zoom, or phone check-ins to follow up on any ongoing issues and support goals for the month ahead.
- General communication – Have questions here and there or need a referral to additional service providers in between check-ins? We help with that too.
ACE Early Support is available in 6 and 12 month packages. If your Senior’s needs change during that time, we’ll help you figure out the best approach to ensuring consistent care management.
We are here to help.
Do you have other questions about ACE Early Support and what would work best for you and your loved one? Reach out to ACE Care Navigators and we’ll help you find the answers. We’re based on the North Shore of Chicago and are available for virtual consultations anywhere.
Schedule your free consultation
Contact us to set up a phone or Zoom call, and get the support you need in what comes next for your Senior.